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Centennial, a School for Expeditionary Learning
High Quality Work
As an EL Education school, CaSEL aims to impact student achievement across three dimensions: knowledge and skills, character, and high quality work. This digital portfolio celebrates some of the high quality work created by our students.
When creating work of high quality, our students aim to produce products that demonstrate...
their deep understandings of complex content and mastery of literacy skills,
their craftsmanship, and
their authentic voice, original thinking, and desire to impact our community.
Enjoy perusing this curated collection of just some of our students' best work!

Kinder/1st Grade Toy Designers
Kinder and 1st Grade crew members developed their literacy and citizenship skills as they engaged in a study of toys and play. Students showcased their deepened understanding of perspective through an informative writing piece about a classmate’s preferred classroom toy. Students used the information they gathered from interviewing a classmate to learn about his or her preferred classroom toy and how the classmate likes to play with that toy. Students first drew and labeled their classmate’s preferred toy and then added writing to accompany their drawing. Finally, students built a prototype of the toy they designed.

4th Grade
Students, through their reading of Love That Dog by Sharon Creech, examined the characteristics of poetry and considered what inspires writers and poets.
This high quality poem to the left, inspired by Robert Frost, was written to emulate specific characteristics about Frost's style while being written about a topic near and dear to this 4th grade poet's heart.
Students studied the topic of human rights and how real people and fictional characters respond when those rights are challenged. They further built knowledge about human rights through a close read of the introduction and selected articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), paired with short firsthand accounts of people around the world who currently face human rights challenges.
Additionally, students read Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan through the lens of the human rights listed in the UDHR and wrote and performed readers theatre scripts inspired by both texts.

ECE - 4 years old
While preparing recipes for a class restaurant during an expedition on food, students in this ECE class used their growing number sense to plan out and then precisely depict a smoothie recipe.

2nd Grade
By exploring the questions, "What is school?" and "Why are schools important," students expanded their literacy and citizenship skills while reading Off to Class: Incredible and Unusual Schools around the World by Susan Hughes.
This high quality work piece to the left compares and contrasts CaSEL with tent schools in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
3rd Grade
Students explored the power of literacy and how people around the world access books. After reading My Librarian is a Camel among other similar books, students designed and wrote informative bookmarks about how one particularly remote place provides readers access to books.
These high quality pieces to the right followed multiple drafts, feedback sessions, and revision experiences for both the bookmark and the accompanying writing.